Elmad 2.0 is Live
Posted on September 3, 2015
Pardes is delighted to announce the launch of the new and improved Elmad website – Pardes’s online learning library. Launched for Elul, the traditional period of reflection and preparation ahead of the new year, the improved site makes it even easier to access Pardes’s unique teaching, anytime, anywhere. The new site boasts many new features, including a responsive design which automatically adjusts for all sizes of viewing devices, improved search and navigation Continue Reading »

Pardes in Silicon Valley
Posted on August 10, 2015
Pardes partnered again this year with the Silicon Valley Beit Midrash, for their summer learning programs. Forty students attended the two one-week programs held in mid-June structured around the theme of interpersonal ethics. Founded by local educators, donors and Pardes alumi, the SVBM aims to combine the seriousness of the beit midrash with the start up culture of Continue Reading »
Over 500 People at Pardes for Tisha B’Av
Posted on July 27, 2015
Over 500 people came to Pardes on Sunday for our annual Tisha B’Av program. Despite the crowds and the heat, participants were able to attend 13 lectures throughout the day, from an outstanding line-up including Yaffa Epstein, Daniel Gordis, Gila Fine, Gideon Weitzman, Rachel Korazim and Elliott Malamet. The day was held in memory of Continue Reading »

Unique Week-Long Summer Curriculum Workshop Provides Valuable Tools for Jewish Educators
Posted on July 27, 2015
Earlier this month, a select group of novice Jewish day school teachers took part in a unique week-long Summer Curriculum Workshop, which was developed and run by the Pardes Center for Jewish Educators. The SCW was held at the scenic Pearlstone Center in Reisterstown, MD. The participants – most within their first two years of Continue Reading »

Conference Explores Issues Surrounding Women in Israel – Pardes Facilitates
Posted on July 22, 2015
On July 21, Pardes facilitated a day-long Women in Israel track at the Onward Israel Connections conference at Ramat Rachel, which brought together over 200 college and post-college participants interning and learning in Jerusalem for the summer. The first session, entitled Women in Israel – Challenges and New Horizons, featured a panel with four inspiring Continue Reading »

New Look for the Pardes Student Blog – These and Those
Posted on June 22, 2015
Pardes is thrilled to announce a new look for the popular student blog www.theseandthose.pardes.org. The visual and navigational improvements go towards making the site more user friendly and allowing visitors to find material and navigate faster and with ease. In addition, the responsive design automatically adjusts for all sizes of viewing devices. We are proud of the blog Continue Reading »

Pardes Teachers at the Forefront of Orthodox Women’s Ordination
Posted on June 14, 2015
Pardes is proud and honored to share that three of our female faculty members have been awarded smikha (rabbinical ordination). Rabbi Dr. Meesh Hammer-Kossoy and Rabbi Rahel Berkovits completed their studies at Beit Midrash Har’el in Israel and received ordination from Rabbi Herzl Hefter and Rabbi Daniel Sperber. Rabba Yaffa Epstein received ordination after her studies at Continue Reading »

Pardes Appoints US-Based Educational Director
Posted on May 4, 2015
The Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies is proud to announce the appointment of Yaffa Epstein as its first-ever Director of Education in North America. Epstein, who has been teaching Talmud, Jewish law, and liturgy at Pardes since 2005 and who currently serves as its Director of Strategic Partnerships, will officially take up the position in the fall.

New and Improved Pardes Website
Posted on May 3, 2015
We are delighted to announce the newly refreshed Pardes website. The newly designed website reflects our dedication and commitment to open, inspiring and innovative learning, based in Jerusalem and with programs worldwide. We hope you enjoy the many features on the new site, including easier navigation and interactive course schedules. Elmad, Pardes’s online learning library, Continue Reading »

Pardes Turkey Trip featured in Jerusalem Post
Posted on May 3, 2015
Feature article in the Jerusalem Post Magazine (May 1, 2015) on on the recent Pardes trip to Turkey. Click here for the PDF.