“One of the things I find challenging about traditional text study is that it is bound to words, whether oral or written. When I sit in the Pardes Beit-Midrash, I feel a sense of wonder and wealth having access to so many beautiful texts; and at the same time, I feel something is missing. This challenge has pushed me to build visual and tactile ways to learn, with the help of tremendous peers and mentors at Pardes. One thing I am developing is a method to physically pull out and manipulate text from the Talmud, as well as an opportunity to physically build the arguments found in the text into a three dimensional representation. Pardes gives me the feedback I need to move these ideas forward and continue asking the questions: What if the Beit Midrash had more color, form, and diversity of space? What if Aggadah was not only illustrated with written language? What if we could make text come to life through visual and tactile experiences? What if when you read about Rabi Elazar ben Arach teaching Torah that inspired trees to come to life and sing God’s praises, you could hear the song? Pardes has been invaluable to me in finding partners in these questions. It is full of inspired seekers of Torah, who open their hearts and their time to those who ask for guidance.”
Sarah Palmer was born and raised in Chicago. She studied Education and Fine Arts at Brandeis University. After six years of teaching Art and Jewish Studies, Sarah is currently learning at Pardes in the Experiential Educators Program. She is also working part-time for Kol HaOt in Jerusalem where she designs and facilitates creative programming, including escape rooms themed around Jewish text. She loves to see how creative modalities help people access text study. Sarah draws inspiration for her own art from working as a doula, burning man installations, and Torah.