Rivkah Wietchner

Rivka Wietchner is a rabbinical student at Yeshivat Maharat and graduate student at Bar Illan University where she writes about gender and halacha issues. She is a member of the Israeli Rabbinate Network at the Shalom Hartman Institute and holds an MA in Theory and Policy of Art from Bezalel Academy of Art.

Originally from Har Bracha in Samaria, Israel, Rivka now lives in Jerusalem. Previously, she was part of various Beit Midrash programs and served as halacha director in Midrashiya High School for Girls and as an OU-JLIC Co-Director and Educator at University of Chicago Hillel. Rivka has a BA from the Open University of Israel and a Kallah Teacher Certification from Nishmat. Rivka is married to David, a rabbi and doctoral student in philosophy at Bar Illan University. She is a mother of four and in her free time, she loves to read and paint.

Rivka believes in connecting between different leaders and communities, and hopes to make Torah more relevant to our postmodern culture by bringing together cultural theories and deep Torah study.