To The Pardes Community,
As a freshly minted MBA graduate in 2001, I made the somewhat curious decision to spend the upcoming year as a student learning in the Pardes Year Program. Little did I know that this experience would be life-changing on both a personal and a professional level.
Fast forward to today, and I have now been Executive Director for more than 18 years. It has been a real privilege working with colleagues, lay leaders, alumni and donors who are so dedicated to Pardes, are so devoted to the Jewish people, and care so deeply for one another.
As you know, Pardes is currently celebrating its first 50 years. There is a strategic planning process underway to ensure that Pardes thrives for the next 50 years.
I have decided that now is the right time for me to step aside and let others take the reins. My tenure as Executive Director will end on September 30th. At that point, my fundraising responsibilities will be given to a soon to-be-hired Chief Development Officer, while my financial and other organizational responsibilities will be handled by other staff. I will remain with Pardes as a Senior Advisor after September 30th to ensure a smooth transition.
My next professional step will be working as a philanthropic advisor to donors who could benefit from professional support but who are not yet ready for a full-time foundation Executive Director. Building my own business will allow me to combine my passion for tzedakah, the insights I have gained through my countless conversations with donors and my business background.
I look forward to Pardes reaching new heights over these next 50 years. And I look forward to deepening the relationships I have developed with so many of you as well.
Josh Chadajo