“If there was only one thing I hope to remember about my time studying at Pardes, it would be that disagreement helps you build a strong foundation. When a person encounters a view that is opposed to theirs, but based on the same evidence (in Pardes usually a piece of text), they have to think about what they believe, then they are forced to find evidence in the source, and in others, that modifies their view. In the end, the opinion must be changed; it can become stronger or weaker. This process is reciprocal, and beneficial for all parties involved in the discussion, as long as it is truly a discussion.”
David is a Jew, and a Fitness Professional living in Jerusalem. He was raised in Maryland and found Judiasm in his mid 20’s. Before studying at Pardes Institute for Jewish Studies, he was the owner/operator of Conditioned Perfection Performance Institute in Baltimore, MD. Following his studies at Pardes, he will make aliyah and become citizen of the state of Israel.