“I came to study at Pardes because I wanted to grow by engaging with Judaism in a supportive community. My experience far exceeds my expectations. Being at Pardes and in Jerusalem have allowed me to transform my relationship to prayer, shabbat, and a range of other dimensions of Judaism. I cannot stress enough how important it has been for me to engage with Jewish traditions in a non-coercive atmosphere, with teachers and peers who are here to support me in my journey, wherever it leads. Judaism offers powerful systems for addressing the challenges of modern society, and yet I could not access these systems until I came to them on my own terms. I am grateful to be learning here for the year, and eager to continue to nurture myself and those around me after Pardes.”
Alex has struggled most of his life to find a meaningful relationship with Judaism. He grew up ashamed of his Jewish heritage, wanting to fit in to the Secular/Christian environment that surrounded him in Western Florida. After experiencing a range of spiritual modalities during and after college, he found his place in Eco-Judaism, and has been working in the field for the past two years at Jewish summer camp farms.