Created by TalentEducators and the Pardes Center for Jewish Educators, the new Maalot program is designed to give participants a peek behind the scenes of creating a thoughtful and engaging shiur. Building off one’s passion for learning Torah, the Maalot program will impart the skills to share and teach Torah in dynamic and meaningful ways. The approaches and knowledge explored in the program can be applied to a variety of educational and/or leadership contexts and will give participants greater confidence as both a learner and a teacher.
The program is fully subsidized by TalentEducators and Pardes Center for Jewish Educators and is therefore free for all participants.
Maalot runs different sessions for different target audiences. This program is designed for:
When: The upcoming session of Maalot, running in the Fall of 2023, will run on Tuesdays from 3-5 PM, beginning August 29th.
Where: Sessions will be held at the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies, General Pierre Koenig St 29, Talpiot (near the Hadar Mall).
The program is fully subsidized by TalentEducators and Pardes Center for Jewish Educators and is therefore free for all participants.
Email for more information or click here to apply now.