SOLD OUT – Me Shenikhnas Adar Marbim BeSimha: Text Study in Tractate Megillah with Rahel Berkovits

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Me Shenikhnas Adar Marbim BeSimha: Text Study in Tractate Megillah
Rahel Berkovits
8pm-10pm IDT // 1pm-3pm EST
15 Session: Starting Nov 14th through March 13th
(No Class on Nov 28th, Dec 5th and Jan 9th)

Leading up to the festival of Purim we will study some of the key mishnayot and Talmudic sugyot from Tractate Megillah related to the reading of the Purim story and the mitzvot of the day. The Purim megillah and holiday are unique in a number of ways- the text stars a women heroine, it is the only book of the Bible which takes place outside of Israel and it is a completely rabbinic invention. We will examine these interesting themes as well as touching on the laws of the leap month of Adar Sheni (the second Adar) which takes place in this calendar year.