Upcoming Event - Pardes Winter Online Learning Intensive 2021

Registration is closed.

The event runs from January 3 – 7, 2020.

As we continue to navigate today’s global crises, Moses’s public charge to his successor Joshua – “be strengthened and courageous!” – is especially resonant. Join Pardes as we delve deeply into the texts of our tradition to explore the nature of resilience as embodied by individuals, leaders, communities and nations. Through this process, we will aim to discover new insights about our own vulnerabilities and strengths.

  • How are we “daring greatly” as communities and individuals? What might we learn from the models that Torah and rabbinic Judaism offer?
  • When is fear productive in our lives and when does it hold us back? What can vulnerability teach us?
  • How can we help each other become our best selves, as Moses did for Joshua?
  • What is the leadership that we need most at this time?
  • How does a community respond after total destruction? How do people begin to rebuild and flourish once again?
  • Are we adequately prepared to face future challenges? Do we have the courage to push forward with new ideas and new paradigms?
  • How can Torah make us strong, as the rabbis promise?

You’ll explore these questions – and so many more- through text study intensives with inspiring faculty, havruta (paired) learning, and workshops, together with a dynamic, international cohort of students and young professionals.