Upcoming Event - All in the Family: A Unique Window into the Pew Study of American Jews

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The Pew Report on American Jewry has sparked much discussion and debate. Why are many Jews no longer identifying as Jewish by religion? Where is American Jewry’s attachment to Israel headed? Why are denominations increasingly alienated from each other?

Meet the Abrahamson-Zinkow Family. Two generations. Four rabbis. Three denominations.

Mother, Rabbi Elka Abrahamson (HUC) is President of The Wexner Foundation, through which 30% of Wexner Graduate Fellows are Pardes alumni, and father, Rabbi Misha Zinkow (HUC), is the Journey Builder at Makor Educational Journeys and a respected colleague.

Children Rabbi Amir Zinkow (YCT), Middle School Mishnah/Gemara Curriculum Coordinator at the Leffell School, and Rabbi Maya Zinkow (JTS), Senior Jewish Educator at UC Berkeley Hillel, are both proud Pardes alumni.

In many ways, they are a microcosm of the Jewish community; one family with different perspectives, varied educational experiences, diverse professional trajectories, and different generations.

Join moderator and Pardes President, Rabbi Leon A. Morris, for an engaging conversation showcasing their diverse perspectives, including a nuanced discussion of what we might learn from the Pew study.

This event is free. A recording of the event will be available on Youtube.

If you have a problem with your registration, please contact Jamie Bornstein: jamie@pardes.org